Survey Drone Comparison

Trinity F90+ vs WingtraOne

Looking for an industry leading VTOL survey drone and narrowing down your options?

Quantum Systems has tested the Trinity F90+ VTOL next to Wingtra’s WingtraOne to help you.

In this 28-page comparison report, all aspects of the survey drones are put through their paces, including:

For the product comparison, the Trinity F90+ UAV and WingtraOne (not WingtraOne Gen II) were used with RX1 RII RGB camera.

After the release of the WingtraOne Gen II, the document was updated with accessible information, e.g. from Wingtra website, webinars and presentations. 

These are marked as “Update” and highlighted in orange text. The results of the flights and data quality and accuracy are not affected.

Fill in the form to download the report.